Friday, August 31, 2007

August 31

Leg stretch, Heaven-human unity cycle

Long talk about skin discoloration and signs that can tell us that body is not well.

5 Elements practice
Pressure in my chest when doing Beng (element wood - liver) and Heng (element earth - spleen)
Feeling strong during Pi (element metal - lungs) and Zuan (element water - kidneys)

UB meridian stretch (foot against the tree)

Pain in my legs points out that my liver's balance is disturbed. That means there is excessive (yang) qi possibly blocked in certain spots. Liver also regulates skin (any skin changes would point out that liver needs attention). In order to balance it out there could be two approaches depending if we are talking about qi deficiency or excess. If your organ has qi deficiency to increase it refer to the creative cycle of 5 elements (Metal-Water-Wood-Fire-Earth) and look for the 'mother': e.g. if there is qi deficiency (yin) in liver (wood), eat food, touch more, practice more of Water (drink more water!). If your organ has excess qi then strengthen the 'child': for liver example this means increasing qi of Fire (more heart related exercises, heart meditation, drink dried shanzha - Chinese apple - and sugar cubes )

8 Directions Palm form
Quite ok, I managed to change directions and not loose my anchor (beginning and end of the form is at the same spot).

Closing the practice

Thursday, August 30, 2007

August 30

Leg stretch, Universal step and Human-Heaven unity cycle

2.25 kg weight while doing Supporting the Plate exercise

6 12 hand postures by choice:
Opening of heart & liver meridian, Big Heaven

5 elements practice

Stretching of UB meridian (foot against the tree)

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

For Evdokija

Last night I dreamed a red Mini Cooper or Suzuki Swift. I somehow realized that it had an oven instead of seats inside which didn't stop me - I just thought I needed to 'fix' it. Something like putting the pieces of puzzle together. After I managed to do that I entered the car to find it quite small for me - I occupied more than half of the front while K sat on the side without any complaints. I was wondering where would dogs fit in but totally happy that car was moving and I could use it to at least get to another stop.

Later today
Just now I heard from my sister that Evdokija Sitarica died in car accident. I experience shock at the moment, thoughts are triggering reasons to cry - not cry, remember - move on... Her name meant 'good will' in Greek. She carried her name with her own signature. My mother's best friend... I know she will miss her.

My dream comes to my mind. I chose to share it while others remain unspoken of (I originally posted it on the August 25-29 blog). I imagine their car heating like an oven. Her husband, the driver, survived.

August 25-29

Practice in Ritan:
Stretch legs, 12 hand postures exercise, 5 elements practice

Daily practice at the dog park - standing stance, 12 hand postures exercise and 5 elements practice.

Friday, August 24, 2007

August 24

Last night was dedicated to inspiring chats with ML who is leaving for India on Monday. I'll miss our weekly ramblings about life and universe. Around 2330 I cancelled today's class knowing it would be difficult to wake up at 0520. Still lack of sleep pressures my eyes like gravity pulling the apple on Newton's head. Today practice means to rest.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

August 23

Warm up:
Leg stretch,
Universal step,
Unity of Heaven and Human cycle

Forward kick step
Hind leg stretch (opening of UB meridian).
Shoulder roll - legs are tired, muscles are burning
Body roll
Bagua stance (walking) - I felt slightly nauseous after few steps. Liu says this is because my qi was blocked in my chest.

Combat implementation:
Main principles - aim hand towards the eyes to confuse the opponent, move as close to the opponent as possible, block hand and use the opponent's force to get them off balance.

Closing the practice = Heaven-Earth-Human arm movement

Duration: 1 hour

Morning started with lazy body and tired eyes (played PS2 Marvel game until 11p.m.) but feeling very energized after the practice.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

My balance

My balance is practice - early in the morning preferably, 6-7.30a.m.

I haven't practiced for a week, after mild appendicitis attack last Wednesday I took it easy and focused more on massage. Liu did cupping on Thursday too, my back is still shaded purple from it. Obvious discoloration of the skin shows clearly where the problem is. My whole Liver meridian seems to be inflamed (on fire, as TCM would claim). After cupping I got a flu, I can feel fire trying to find the way out while Liu chases it away with his healing methods.

Today I started with a gentle practice: usual leg stretch and Universal Step (step following the Bagua map) were followed by 12 hand postures and later on 5 elements consecutive stances. After 5 elements practice (Wuxin quan) Liu used a padded stick and gently tapped along my UB meridian (from the tip of the shoulder to the heel - on each side). Afterwards we had a talk about yin-yang theory, balancing of the 5 elements in nature, cycles and impact on the health.

Finished with 8 Directions form to relax and have fun with implementation :D

Once again I wonder why I stopped practicing for a week....