Friday, April 27, 2007

Loving What Is

I love our 'massage talks' when Liu spreads his wisdom and engages his qi to flow through my meridians. Last night he was talking about loving what is without judgement, without force - just simply accepting it.

When people start fighting and arguing look at them as if they are 3 year old kids trying to make their point and it is so much easier to follow up with a smile. There are no rights and wrongs, there are no shoulds and shouldn'ts - it all is as it is. Learn to live relaxed, immersed in Now. Our conditioning to live and work through stress is result of confused mind that is looking for engagement. Water shapes a rock over time, fire destroys it, wind moves it. Accept the way of water and you will reach places where no wind nor fire can go.

His words lull me gently into the trance. When I wake up he is already gone. Was it a dream?

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