Friday, August 31, 2007

August 31

Leg stretch, Heaven-human unity cycle

Long talk about skin discoloration and signs that can tell us that body is not well.

5 Elements practice
Pressure in my chest when doing Beng (element wood - liver) and Heng (element earth - spleen)
Feeling strong during Pi (element metal - lungs) and Zuan (element water - kidneys)

UB meridian stretch (foot against the tree)

Pain in my legs points out that my liver's balance is disturbed. That means there is excessive (yang) qi possibly blocked in certain spots. Liver also regulates skin (any skin changes would point out that liver needs attention). In order to balance it out there could be two approaches depending if we are talking about qi deficiency or excess. If your organ has qi deficiency to increase it refer to the creative cycle of 5 elements (Metal-Water-Wood-Fire-Earth) and look for the 'mother': e.g. if there is qi deficiency (yin) in liver (wood), eat food, touch more, practice more of Water (drink more water!). If your organ has excess qi then strengthen the 'child': for liver example this means increasing qi of Fire (more heart related exercises, heart meditation, drink dried shanzha - Chinese apple - and sugar cubes )

8 Directions Palm form
Quite ok, I managed to change directions and not loose my anchor (beginning and end of the form is at the same spot).

Closing the practice

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